Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Red Earth by Jefferson R. Weekley

Red Earth

December 2012, thousands of small asteroids strike the Earth destroying nearly every major city and military base on the planet in minutes. From orbit, invisible beams of energy tear through the Earthʼs atmosphere annihilating nuclear missile and power sites, chemical, weapon, and industrial factories. All regions of dense human activity  was targeted. The orbital assault lasted just under two hours.

Then the Martians came. They were counting on absolute, overwhelming force. Either they took the Earth, or extinction took them.

'Red Earth' is an exciting science-fiction adventure set in the very near future. In the brief span of one night the Earth is utterly conquered by an invading force from Mars. Inspired in part by H. G. Wells' 'War of the Worlds', 'Red Earth' is neither a retelling nor a sequel. The story follows the adventures of Jonathan Crow in the days and months after the fall of Humanity as he and his small band of friends avoid the carnivorous aliens and, even worse, his fellow survivors.


An Intriguing Extension of Wells' Tale,October 20, 2008
by Curt Henry, systems engineer at JPL

The "War of the Worlds" is the only book I've read five times so I was apprehensive about whether this book would live up to my expectations. It did. While the premise is the same as Wells' this story takes some interesting twists that go beyond what Wells wrote. The first few chapters are less polished than the others as if Mr. Weekley were trying to find his voice. But he does and it is a voice worth hearing. So press on and you will be rewarded with strong character development and fascinating conjectures about Martian and Human history and our purposes in the universe. A commendable effort by a first time author.

October 7, 2008
John Lui, Simpsons artist
I loved the book, Jeff!
My memory bank is now filled with your scenarios.... waiting to be illustrated. Sci-fi, Aliens, Archaic knowledge and the indomitable human spirit!
Thanks for the inspiration and revealing a little bit of "truth" to this nospeak untruth doublethink world!